Free Ebook Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders (The Disconnected Kids Series)
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Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders (The Disconnected Kids Series)
Free Ebook Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders (The Disconnected Kids Series)
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"Disconnected Kids offers a visionary new approach for helping many children with brain-based problems. These valuable clinical insights add much to our tool kit for caring. "—Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence"Dr. Melillo's thesis and proposed intervention give hope to all affected parties (children, parents and clinicians) that neurobehavioral disorders of childhood can be eradicated one day in the near future by relying primarily on behavioral and cognitive treatments."—Metapsychology Reviews"I found the book to be very interesting and informative, including case studies of children he claims have been cured of some of these disorders, as well as checklists of ways to identify whether or not your child may have a brain deficiency or delay and what side of the brain may be involved. It does seem to bring a ray of hope, as many of us have come to believe that there is no cure for disorders like autism."—"I HIGHLY recommend reading this book! It was very enlightening to me. I do believe that his philosophy on these disorders is accurate and his approach to helping them is valid."—Sensor Ease
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About the Author
Dr. Robert Melillo, the creator of Brain Balance Program™, is an internationally known chiropractic neurologist, professor, researcher, and expert in childhood neurological disorders. He has been in private practice since 1985 and opened his first Brain Balance Center™ on Long Island, New York, in 1998. There are now 66 centers across the country, with more opening ocerseas in the coming year. His study, “Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Functional Disconnection Syndrome – a Model for Rehabilitation” will be published in The International Journal of Neuroscience later this year.Dr. Melillo is president of the Foundation for Cognitive Neuroscience and executive director of the F.R. Carrick Institute for Clinical Ergonomics, Rehabilitation and Applied Neurosciences, a non-profit university-based brain research center dedicated to researching methods and products to assist victims of brain injury, chronic pain, and other neurological and neuro-behavioral challenges. He lives in Rockville Centre, New York, with his wife and three children.
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Product details
Series: The Disconnected Kids Series
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: TarcherPerigee; Revised, Updated edition (March 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0399172440
ISBN-13: 978-0399172441
Product Dimensions:
5.4 x 0.7 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
260 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#6,160 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book is pretty much a sales job for the Brain Balance Centers with zero scientific findings behind it. I liked the nutrition piece but the rest is barbaric with a one size fits all approach. Don't waste your money.
Quite eye opening. We took the right brain left brain test in the book and learned our child has both deficiencies. The book explained that this may be due to retained primitive reflexes. Researched this on Youtube and verified it with the pediatric physical therapist she had as a baby and it is a real thing. We started 2 of the exercise suggestions in the book (starfish and snow angels) after watching the Youtube video's on how to do them and within 1 month, we no longer take my 8 yr. old to the potty at 11:00 every single night and she doesn't wet the bed anymore. THIS REALLY WORKS. We are now getting ready to start all the exercises. Thank you Dr. Melillo.
I am a parent who, 5 years ago, read Disconnected Kids in its first edition (at the recommendation of a teacher, I might add), said "yup, that's my kid!", enrolled my child at a Brain Balance center 1.25 hrs away from my home, and his life was permanently changed for the better after 3 months of work using Dr. Melillo's approach. My son had a whole range of issues - Asperger's symptoms, anxiety, motor skill issues, constipation, skin irritations, uneven academic skills, inability to see the big picture / intense focus on narrow subject matter, extremely picky eater, etc. - and now he's a completely typical high school student. I'm aware of numerous families with the same fantastic results. This approach is what quirky kids need to even out their development. It works for kids with one or multiple diagnoses as well as for kids with no diagnosis and simply a general sense that they're not meeting their potential. Do a child in your family a favor and give him or her a chance to address his issues, even if he doesn't exactly match one of the profiles in the book.
As an educator, this provides me the inspiration and tools to support my students in truly develop their brains. As a parent, this program and tools have set my child up for lifelong success. These principles and strategies that are focused on brain plasticity and functional neurolgy, provide hope, recovery and lifelong balance.
A very informative easy read with practical suggestions on how to see where your child might have a disconnect and how you could help them to make those connections. I am a speech therapist and I find the information useful to help my clients. It would also be relatively easy for a parent to pick up and understand. It has also helped me further my understanding on what the brain balance program is.
The books is better than my meeting was with the Brain Balance people. Still deciding whether to enroll my child or do the at home method.
Not impressed. As someone with a Bachelors degree in Moderate to Severe disabilities, this book has very many FALSE facts about Autism.
You may be that reader who, like me 2 weeks ago, will be considering whether to punch 'buy it now' and, for 13 odd dollars, add yet another 6" by 9"-sized trade paperback on behavioral issues and solutions among youth to your book shelf. I think it's well worth reading at that price, but for many, and certainly for myself, I doubt it will offer a silver bullet for addressing our needs.This book follows a standard format of providing vignettes that encourage the reader (for better or worse) to point into the page and say, "yeap, that's my kid!", followed by a stream of periodically-included similar ones, all with happy outcomes, to motivate the reader to keep reading by creating reserved hopefulness. The book provides substantial anecdotal and statistical background on the importance of the problem that it is addressing, as well as scopes out pretty well what behaviors, age groups, etc., are included. It provides ample checklists and assessment techniques to narrow down the problem to be solved, and finally, it provides very detailed therapeutic procedures for parent and practitioner to use with the subject. Having read many books in a similar format, I have to admit I breezed through this one in a couple of hours, but I do see myself going back to it once I try to apply its techniques to my particular case.In my case, I am trying to help a young family member who has a range of behavioral issues that don't fit neatly into standard DSM definitions, or into Dr. Melillo's taxonomy. I'm not a medical or psychological practitioner and have no training in the area. I have half the common sense of my wife, but a reasonable amount of patience. That probably makes me similar to any dad who's reading this review right now. I read these kinds of books with increasing skepticism, but any knowledge is useful, and this book may be more useful than most.Pro's/what I like about this book:1-Dr. Melillo explains that his methods are clinically proven to be successful on statistically large groups of subjects. This is very compelling, as many books (and approaches) in the help-thy-child genre cannot claim this.2-The diagnostic checklists are very detailed.3-The diagnostics are not limited to checklist, but also include the assessment of a large range of physiological reactions and observations (hearing, eyes, right/left-handedness). This makes sense to me.4-I detected nothing in my two hour reading of the book that seemed like it could do any harm. The therapies may be helpful in their intended ways (reduce the disconnectedness, which is the premise of the book), but also at least in other ways such as: helping the subject feel more cared for or better understood, building self-confidence, and building trust and relationships between subject and parent or practitioner.5-The therapies proposed by Dr. Melillo would appear to be have been very successful for many people; Dr. Melillo has defined a disorder in his own terms (I believe) and a treatment approach outside the DSM-V framework. Such innovation is much needed. I agree with him that the recent epidemic in behavior challenges facing children is being dealt with in outdated ways--at least in academic circles if not in clinical circles. In my case the top-rated local public school system just never "got" the challenges facing our child, and their cluelessness is a big risk that Dr. Melillo has put his finger on.4-Having so many techniques at hand, as described in the book, is great. They're easy to try out and implement consistently if they seem to work.Cons/the reasons I am skeptical whether this book will help in my particular case, or for many other readers:1-These diagnoses and methods probably work best for the archetypical (most extreme) manifestations of autism, Asperger's, etc. However, many of us are facing situations that are 'on the spectrum' (or perhaps 'spectra') of multiple disorders, and this book probably isn't going to help me diagnose, put a name to, scope, and address the ambiguous and confusing issues that we are facing. This is not the fault of the book, but I do get the feeling from Dr. Melillo that he has a hammer, and now everything looks like a nail. Many of the markers for disconnected kids apply also to kids suffering from borderline personality disorder (which, admittedly, is diagnosed at a later age than the ages he seems to be targeting), and I think he could have spent more time describing what's NOT in the scope of his defined syndrome, rather than just what's in. Many symptoms, --explosiveness or anxiety for example--would appear to be consistent with disconnectedness, but also consistent with other diagnoses (e.g.,Borderline personality disorder). I didn't see 'borderline personality disorder', 'schizophrenia', 'dialectical behavior therapy' (just to name a few terms) in the appendix. So, it's easy to read the book and say 'this is meant for my child!' when it may not be. As noted earlier, the therapies describe in the book probably don't create any problems, but they might distract you from identifying the real issues at hand.2-In a similar vein, the diagnostic checklists don't provide any weighting. Any human will exhibit behaviors that correspond to the markers listed in the many checklists provided in the book. However, I'm sure some of these markers are more significant than others, particularly if in combination with others. So I think the many pages of diagnostic tools does create a risk of lulling a new reader (one who doesn't already have 10-20 similar books on his/her shelf already) into thinking this diagnostic provides a definitive analysis. Dr. Melillo reminds the reader to get the help of a trained diagnostician and treatment specialist. And I guess I'd much rather have all the diagnostic tools at hand than not, but at the end of the day, But I'm skeptical what insight they provide to those of us dealing with ambiguous cases. As I noted earlier, if you have a child who is definitely autistic or definitely has Asperger's, the therapies presented in this book may be much more effective than for a less pronounced case.3-the vignettes may give some readers a false sense of hope...both in thinking that it actually matches the reader's child, and that the results will be equally probable; these vignettes have been hand-picked to tell a success story in a simple way, and there's a risk that they give the reader false hope.
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